Sunday, April 14, 2013

Life Sometimes Seems So Puzzling!

Well, I think we've settled in nicely; we've eaten several homemade meals, watched some movies, and slept in our new bed. Yet things still are up in the air. <sigh>

Financially, God is going to be the only One Who makes this first month happen. I am looking forward to seeing how He does it - but there's a part of me that's fighting being depressed about it. I AM fighting it, though - this is a recurring theme in our lives, that we have to DAILY depend on His provision. So please pray and praise with us as He does it - and if you happen to see our sale gallery posts on Facebook, share them so other people can sow into our ministry support! :)

Now, then. I've got a loaf of banana bread in the oven, my grandmother's recipe, and the apartment's going to start smelling like HOME. :) Kenn's out shooting the sunset for the first time on our trip. :D So I thought I'd share a few of my photos from our visiting our new 'hood. :D

This is about two miles down the road from Reedsport, and the closest beach access to the house - that we've found so far. :D What you see past the sign is a triangle where oysters are raised commercially - to the far right of the photo is the Umpqua River mouth entering the Pacific Ocean.

And this, of course, is Kenn at the ocean. It was an absolutely glorious afternoon/day. It was forecast as RAIN. We simply had to get out of the house and go to the ocean. :D

There is an elk reserve on the way inland, and we happened to be driving in when we spotted a rather large herd. I think they're ugly. LOL

This is the Umpqua Lighthouse. It's not very tall, but it is beautiful! And VERY accessible - it's only about three feet inside the Coast Guard compound, so you can see the whole building.

The above photo is the ocean and the beach without Kenn. :D

And finally, this area is a national ATV draw; it's the Oregon Dunes National Recreational Area. And WOW, do these people have the toys - RVs, ATVs, bikes, buggies, trailers. :D

We went to church this morning, and it was good to be in a place where our dear friend, Nila, was known and so, by extension, were we. But OH, how I miss our Springhouse family and worship. So does Kenn - for the first time in his life, he's actually homesick for people, not a place. And that, friends and family, is evidence of God at work in his life. WOW.

So, at this moment, I don't know what our adventure will be - or for how long. But I am determined that God be glorified, no matter what or where we are! :) I'd love to hear from some of you! :)

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