ANYWAY. Remember when I was talking about my two peas? Yeah. I have PROOF.

We met Kaisa and her boyfriend at the Denny's in Mojave, CA, for brunch before we hit the road again. We had a good time, and I had fun shooting these two silly, most-important-in-my-life
people. :)
It was difficult saying goodbye, but hopefully she'll come visit soon.
And off we went!
(I need to load up some photo editing software on my computer; these are all straight off my camera, and I have LOTS more to do. So please bear with them - and me. :D )
Desert. Yes, it started looking a LOT like El Paso. And jut like when I lived there, I can't figure out WHY people live there. :D But Sunday's drive was only a couple of hours long; we were going to a friend of Kenn's from way ago, in Bakersfield.
They live in an oasis. Seriously. They have a glorious house with an incredible back yard and a beautiful pool. Just lovely.
(I wish I had my software to help soften the lighting on this, but this is what it was at noon in the desert. :D )
Kenn and Tom had a great visit; I got to know Nancy pretty well. We spent a lot of time together while they boys were off playing. :D
So Monday, we drove to Modesto. Kenn's allergies were off the charts because of his time outside with Tom, so we didn't do much fun or fun for dinner. It was a nice property, a Clarion, so if we ever come through again, we'd like to take our time and enjoy ourselves. I think we're both just road-weary.
Today's drive was up to Weed, CA. We made one stop, but it wasn't anything to brag about. So I won't. :) Neither was dinner - we spent too much money on meals that didn't deliver today!
But this HOTEL ROOM!!! It's a brand-new Quality Inn in South Weed; Kenn got us a jacuzzi room since it's our last night. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. (The thing I miss most on trips and vacations is my garden tub. :D ) What a nice treat. Kenn's allergies are still pretty bad; my eyes are itchy. <sigh> I need a beach wind! :)
Oh, and this hotel room? This is the view from my BALCONY. Yeah. Uh, huh. :D
That would be Mt. Shasta, ladies and gentlemen. We are back in the Cascade Range!
OK. Time to relax a little more, get a good night's sleep, and rock the last leg of this segment out. THANK YOU for praying for us - keep it up! PLEASE pray for the allergy problems. It's not fun - and his eyes glow in the dark almost. SO awful. We love and miss people in TN, but have been blessed to see lots of friends we haven't seen in forever. :)
I love seeing this. I love reading about your adventures